
From the simplest aesthetic household paint to the most complex industrial requirements

Anti-Corrosion Coatings

Epoxies & Polyurethanes systems together with the appropriate surface preparations creates really reliable protective coating system.

Vinyl Esters & Novolac Epoxies

For very aggressive chemical environments we provide highly chemical resistant coatings to withstand the exposure.


Aesthetically pleasing, resistant against salts, pollution & carbonation, durable & breathable. Great value for money.

External Wall WP
Waterproof Elastomeric Coating

Waterproof, elastic with crack bridging properties. Multi function & user friendly. Able to solve multiple water ingress and leakage problems.

Underwater Coating

Can be applied and cures underwater and/or wet conditions. Used widely for underwater marine works, wet pipes due to condensation, wet environments and more environments.